Oh whoah, it looks rather nice! Could you maybe post some bigger images 
next time? You can hardly see any details in the first picture.

On Friday, 28 September 2012 22:06:53 UTC+1, Aleksander Zawada wrote:
> "accelerated" by Dalibor I tried my photolitography devices. It's very 
> good, even using first time! It isn't simple technology but I'm 
> very glad. In the second picture you have anode of nixie tube prepared 
> from template of polish tube type LC513. Unfortunatelly I had old 
> photosensitive lacquer and thick metal plate (0.2 mm). 
> www.tubedevices.com/alek/pwl/lc1d/fotolito.jpg 
> www.tubedevices.com/alek/pwl/lc1d/fotolito1.jpg 
> Best regards 
> Alek 
> >> it is not so easy, the total surface of each digit should be constant 
> to achieve constant current and constant brightness of each digit (else You 
> will have to struggle with resistors on cathodes..). Bigger number = higher 
> current.. 
> > While this is true, it isn't an absolute.  Existing nixies have 
> different currents for different digits (particularlay "1").  Since they're 
> more-or-less constant 
> > voltage devices, the anode resistor tends to even out the different 
> current draws.  Running nixies from higher voltages with larger anode 
> resistors 
> > helps with this (at the cost of efficiency).  Some designs actually use 
> current regulation instead of anode resistors, and these will tend to 
> overdrive 
> > the smaller digits slightly. 
> > 
> > That said, it would be simple enough to write code to adjust the digit 
> stroke thicknesses to achieve matching total areas.  Note that in some 
> nixies, 
> > the "1" digit is made with a double stroke to help with this. 
> > 
> >> And I also like the retro look of original digits ;-) 
> > That is a perfectly valid reason.  If I were going to clone a nixie, I'd 
> choose the CD-66 with its particularly nice digit shapes. 
> > 
> > However, if I'm making my own nixies, I'd be interested in making them 
> visibly distinct from existing ones.  If I want a CD-66, I 
> > can just go buy one (unless I want a CD-66 with 30mm digits).  If I want 
> a nixie with B�cklin or Klingon digits, I'll have to make 
> > my own. 
> > 
> > There's also a mechanical consideration - thicker digits will be more 
> rigid and stable, and should survive longer.  However, 
> > this thickness can be in material thickness or stroke width. 
> > 
> >> Once I have working tube (as close as possible to original) I can play 
> and change things inside.. 
> > Absolutely.  Coming up with digit shapes is likely not the most 
> difficult problem in making nixies. 
> > 
> >> Have You made something working with mentioned digit graphics? 
> > Not as of yet.  My original plan was to photoetch them, but I just heard 
> from someone who's making custom variable 
> > capacitor plates, and has access to a water jet cutter. 
> > 
> > I've been pricing the little ceramic rings used as insulating digit 
> separators, and they're expensive, so now I'm thinking 
> > of glass and mica as alternatives. 
> > 
> > - John 
> > 

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