On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 4:40:00 PM UTC-4, jrehwin wrote:
> > By the way I also ordered the LED bases for IN-8 tubes from the Nocrotec 
> Shop on ebay. So if there were some way I could integrate all of that into 
> a printed board that would be excellent! 
> Do you actually want to mount the Nocrotec sockets onto another PCB, or 
> did you want a PCB that you can put the LEDs and IN-8s in directly?  Since 
> the Nocrotec sockets are actually just 
> small PCBs, it seems a little silly to mount them onto another PCB.  I can 
> of course, but I'm not sure if that's what you want. 

Right, I realize now it would be redundant. The first thing I wanted that 
lead me to the nocrotec sockets was, a socket of any kind. I wanted the 
ability to remove the IN-8's without de-soldering them. The lighted part 
was nice bonus. However, yes I suppose I could just use the sockets 
supplied with the nocrotec base kit and put them into your board. Basically 
I realized that this would not meet my desire to be neat and plug-and-play. 
To be able to go from the nixie tube contact pads through circuit traces to 
the ribbon cable.  

Given the choice I would prefer to have a single integrated board and 
discard the six individual lighted socket boards I bought. A single board 
with integrated led's. 

A note on the led power, depending on how I get power to the LED's perhaps 
you could run that part of the circuit to a separate two pin connector? 
Again, I'm not sure at this moment where I can tap into the main board for 

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