OK, all of the obvious culprits have been ruled out so now we have to 
consider weird things.

Wish you had a schematic, but it's not mandatory.

1. With your scope, do you see similar on/off times at the base of each NPN 
'predriver' ? It should be in the milisecond range. Trying to rule-out the 
possibility of the control logic 'skipping-over' the tubes that aren't lit.

2. This might be risky, but you could try momentarily connecting the anode 
of the bad tubes to the anode of a good tube. You may want to play it safe 
and use a resistor of a few K-ohms instead of a short. If all 4 tubes are 
off, there's a low-impedance path somewhere.

3. Connect a 10K resistor to +170V supply. This will not damage the PNP, 
and assuming it takes 150V to illuminate the tube, the 10K resistor will 
limit the current to a safe value of 2mA (1 mA per tube). It wont be a 
strong glow, but you will see it if the tubes are alive.

Connect a voltmeter to the other side of the resistor, and GND.

Next, momentarily touch the resistor (voltmeter side, not +170V side!)  to 
the dead tube's anode. You should see the 2 dead tubes glow, and see around 
+150V. If you see significantly less voltage, or zero, there is a short or 
low-impedance path somewhere. It could be the voltage divider, or a bad 
tube. You may need to unsolder one or both anodes to confirm

If the voltmeter still reads ~170 when you touch the tube, and there's no 
glow, there could be an open somewhere. You'll need to buzz-out the 
connections between the tube's anode pin, anode resistor, and PNP. If that 
still fails, then I see no other culprit besides the tubes.

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