> On Dec 1, 2020, at 3:50 AM, newxito <axta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nice website! 
> Two days ago, I reserved a domain but for now I have no idea how to design 
> web pages. This is one more thing that I would like to learn in old age.
One easy way out is to create a blog. In addition to regular blog posts you can 
create "pages" which are standalone "articles". 

I have two on Blogger which is free (see my signature for my "sci-tech" blog). 
They took a while to set up with nice graphics and whatnot but you can go with 
a stock template.

There are lots of free tools for creating a "regular" web site but I've never 
needed one so I haven't researched it. I rarely get around to posting anything 
new to my blogs these days, not for lack of subject material. I don't have a 
convenient place with good lighting that I can leave set up and ready to go 
every time I acquire a new toy from eBay.

Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
"The Mac Doctor"


“...the book said something astonishing, a very big thought. The stars, it 
said, were suns but very far away. The Sun was a star but close up.”—Carl 
Sagan, "The Backbone Of Night", Cosmos, 1980

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