On 14/12/11 19:54, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 14/12/2011 19:39, Michael McMahon wrote:

This webrev fixes a bunch of test script issues in networking and core-libs. In most if not all cases, the change relates to recognising the OS that the test
is running on.

It also fixes an IPv6 issue, which requires Macos versions of a couple of java.net classes. These are the new files at the end of the webrev. The change is to provide
a default sin6_scope_id when none is provided by the user.


Michael - I haven't studied the IPv6 changes yet but I'm concerned that this creates a copy of java.net.MulticastSocket. Would some refactoring allow us to avoid this?

A check for "os.version" in the shared version of MulticastSocket would work. There's only a couple of lines of additional code required. But, then we don't want os specific code in the shared tree either. Don't know if you have other suggestions? This is just to workaround an issue in Macosx where (the Kame ipv6 stack is supposed to take care of default scope_id's but doesn;t seem to be). It's possible this issue may get resolved some time in the future, thus eliminating the need for the code.
(I'll check this point with Mike anyway).

In test/sun/net/www/protocol/jar/jarbug/run.sh then maybe it would make sense to combine SunOS, Linux and Darin into the one case. More generally then I guess most of these tests could be changed so that they default to PS=":" FS="/" when not on Windows or cygwin. Did you check the java code for the tests in these areas for any cases where they test based on os.name?

I'll let Kurchi deal with this one.

- Michael.

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