On 22/12/2011 11:46, Michael McMahon wrote:

I've updated this to localize the changes to NetworkInterface (and the new class DefaultInterface).
So, there's no change to the socket impl java code
The new native code implementation is in net_util_md.c also, but called from Plain*SocketImpl.c
I've removed the debug outputs above. If all the above is ok, I'd like to push this change
and address remaining test case issues in another changeset.

New webrev @ http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~michaelm/7120875/webrev.4/

This is much cleaner, thanks for persevering with it. A couple of minor comments:

In NetworkInterface.java it looks a bit odd to add the static fields in the middle of the other fields. It would also be nice to add a comment to the package-private getDefault as it is used by several classes (and we likely need to be used by DatagramChannel too once you get to that area).

In NetworkInterface.c then I assume the GetStaticFieldID doesn't need ifdef MACOSX around it. It's likely it will get used on other platforms too, Linux in particular.

In PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c then I assume some of these changes could be combined with the ifdef __solaris__, I don't have a strong opinion on that.

The Solaris and Windows implementations of DefaultInterface import Enumeration and IOException, I assume they are not needed.

The Mac version of DefaultInterface is bit untidy. The ifc, if1, if2 variables could be named differently. It looks like it may call isPointToPoint and isLoopback several times which is costly given that each method needs to query the system. I pasted in the static initializer and edited here into a chooseDefaultInterface method that I think is a bit tidier:

private final static NetworkInterface defaultInterface = chooseDefaultInterface();

     * Choose a default interface. This method returns an interface that is
     * both "up" and supports multicast. This method choses an interface in
     * order of preference:
     * 1. neither loopback nor point to point
     * 2. point to point
     * 3. loopback
* @return the chosen interface or {@code null} if there isn't a suitable
     *          default
    private static NetworkInterface chooseDefaultInterface() {
        Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nifs;

        try {
           nifs = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
        } catch (IOException ignore) {
            // unable to enumate network interfaces
            return null;

        NetworkInterface ppp = null;
        NetworkInterface loopback = null;

        while (nifs.hasMoreElements()) {
            NetworkInterface ni = nifs.nextElement();
            try {
                if (ni.isUp() && ni.supportsMulticast()) {
                    boolean isLoopback = ni.isLoopback();
                    boolean isPPP = ni.isPointToPoint();
                    if (!isLoopback && !isPPP) {
// found an interface that is not the loopback or a
                        // point-to-point interface
                        return ni;
                    if (ppp == null && isPPP)
                        ppp = ni;
                    if (loopback == null && isLoopback)
                        loopback = ni;
            } catch (IOException skip) { }

        return (ppp != null) ? ppp : loopback;

The updates to the tests look fine to me.


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