> On 23 Jun 2016, at 15:36, Simone Bordet <simone.bor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 3:58 PM, Chris Hegarty <chris.hega...@oracle.com> 
> wrote:
>> At one point I thought the same, but after, yet another, re-reading of the 
>> RFC
>> I disagree. The semantics are somewhat stronger in WebSocket, albeit that
>> the wording is a little squirrely :
>> 5.5.1 Close [1]
>>   It SHOULD do so as soon as practical.  An
>>   endpoint MAY delay sending a Close frame until its current message is
>>   sent (for instance, if the majority of a fragmented message is
>>   already sent, an endpoint MAY send the remaining fragments before
>>   sending a Close frame).
> And the disagreement is that TCP can send an unlimited amount of data
> in half closed state, while WebSocket *seems* to hint that it *may*
> send a *non specified* amount of fragments ?

Correct.  The wording is somewhat stronger than a *hint*, but I agree that it is
not mandated. What Pavel is trying to do with onClose is to adhere to the 
spirit of the RFC, rather than supporting open-ended half-close semantics.


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