On 28 February 2011 19:20, Zongjun <qizong...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Besides our own MIB definitions, it outputs
> SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmGroupName.1."public" = STRING: public
> SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmGroupName.2."public" = STRING: public
> SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmGroupName.3."public" = STRING: grppublic

That's all?   Nothing else?   Not even the system group?   Boggle!

As far as I can tell from that list, you should be able to see everything
(and it *does* look like a Net-SNMP agent)

>> Either:
>>    -  the agent has been compiled with a *very* restricted set of MIBs
> How to specify this?

This would be specified using the "configure" command when first
compiling the agent.   Something like

    ./configure --enable-mini-agent --with-out-mib-modules="xxx,yyy,..."

But I'm amazed that there is so little visible in the tree.
I can't believe that someone would remove things like the system
tree and the usmUser table,   but leave the vacm table accessible.

Something very strange is happening here.

Is this an agent that you compiled yourself, or a vendor-supplied
agent, or what?

Is there a command "net-snmp-config" on this system?
If so, what does
      net-snmp-config --configure-options


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