On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 4:36 PM, <ali.br...@selex-comms.com> wrote:

> However I am still unable to send out an SNMP v2 trap.
> Also is there a way of obtaining the value for uptime from the Master Agent
> which is used for the SysUpTime field in the trap??

Have you already tried to leave out the "uptime" argument ?

This command allowed me to send an SNMPv2 trap, and at the same time to
observe what happens internally in Net-SNMP while sending a trap:

C:\Perl\bin\perl -e "use SNMP; $SNMP::verbose=1; $SNMP::debugging=2;
$SNMP::dump_packet=1; my $session = new SNMP::TrapSession(Community =>
\"trap\", Port => 162, Version => \"2c\"); $session->trap(oid => \"linkUp\",
[[ifIndex,1,1], [sysLocation,0,\"Here\"]]);"

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