
I'm definitely getting closer now. I can now send a linkUp trap from my 
software using SNMPv2. My code looks like this:

    my $host = '';
    my $session= new SNMP::TrapSession(DestHost => $host, Community => 
"public", Port => 162, Version => '2c');
    $session->trap(oid => "linkUp", [["ifIndex",1,1], 

Why do you include  the sysLocation.0 mib item when sending the LinkUp 

As you can see I have omitted the uptime field in the call to the trap 

This results in the following output from snmptrapd:

Received 106 byte packet from UDP: []:1366->[]:0
0000: 30 68 02 01  01 04 06 70  75 62 6C 69  63 A7 5B 02 0h.....public§[.
0016: 02 1D 73 02  01 00 02 01  00 30 4F 30  11 06 08 2B ..s......0O0...+
0032: 06 01 02 01  01 03 00 43  05 00 C9 BF  87 23 30 17    .......C..É¿╬
0048: 06 0A 2B 06  01 06 03 01  01 04 01 00  06 09 2B 06    ..+..........  
0064: 01 06 03 01  01 05 04 30  0F 06 0A 2B  06 01 02 01 .......0...+....
0080: 02 02 01 01  01 02 01 01  30 10 06 08  2B 06 01 02 ........0...+...
0096: 01 01 06 00  04 04 48 65  72 65                       ......Here

2011-09-28 17:01:24 [UDP: 
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (3384772387) 391 days, 
18:08:43.87     SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID:
 IF-MIB::linkUp IF-MIB::ifIndex.1 = INTEGER: 1  SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0 
= STRING: Here

The timeticks value does not seem to be a sensible value unfortunately as 
I have certainly not been running my agent for 391 days!

I have changed my code to try and send my user defined trap as follows but 
without any success so far i.e. no trap is received by snmptrapd:

    my $host = '';
    my $session= new SNMP::TrapSession(DestHost => $host, Community => 
"public", Port => 162, Version => '2c');
  $session->trap(oid => "ssaSwitchStopped");

The ssaSwitchStopped trap has no additional varbinds associated with it.



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