Hi Simon,
   Please follow the following steps.
[root@venkatesh perl]# cd net-snmp-5.7.pre1/perl
   [root@venkatesh perl]# make
   [root@venkatesh perl]# make install
Please try this,


Simon Chamlian wrote:

I have an embedded board running Linux/net-snmp (TWR54418 from Freescale).

I am trying to get the agent going on the eval board and create an application in C, to connect to the agent and return a value to a get/set command from a mib bowser running on PC.

After reading several tutorials, I came accross, "MIB for Dummies". It suggests to create the C code from the MIB I have.

But when I run it, I get the following error:

[root@M54418TWR snmp]# mib2c -c mib2c.mfd.conf

ERROR: You don't have the SNMP perl module installed.  Please obtain
this by getting the latest source release of the net-snmp toolkit from
http://www.net-snmp.org/download/ .  Once you download the source and
unpack it, the perl module is contained in the perl/SNMP directory.
See the README file there for instructions.

[root@M54418TWR snmp]#

I checked the downloads and I don't see any SNMP perl module?

Note that Perl is installed on the eval board since snmpconf (perl script) works fine.

Any hints will be greatly appreciated to help me out:
1) To launch the SNMP agent daemon
2) When a Get/Set/Get(Walk)/GetTable issued from a MIB browser from a PC, I get to a C application to return actual data.



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