The problem is that the net-snmp is compiled in installed using *LTIB* (*Linux
Target Image Builder*) , which build an image on an embedded target (cross

Therefore, I don't have the folder net-snmp-5.7.pre1/perl available, nor
have any compiler on the target board.

Also, I have version 5.5 and not 5.7.

Note that I also tried:


[root@M54418TWR snmp]# snmpd -a -c snmpd.conf,snmp.conf -d -Lf log.txt -r

[root@M54418TWR snmp]# cat log.txt

/usr/share/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 37: Warning: Unknown token: proc.

/usr/share/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 53: Warning: Unknown token: master.

snmpd.conf: line 37: Warning: Unknown token: proc.

snmpd.conf: line 53: Warning: Unknown token: master.

snmp.conf: line 26: Warning: Unknown token: mibdirs.

snmp.conf: line 44: Warning: Unknown token: defaultport.

snmp.conf: line 50: Warning: Unknown token: defversion.

snmp.conf: line 56: Warning: Unknown token: defsecurityname.

snmp.conf: line 62: Warning: Unknown token: defauthtype.

snmp.conf: line 69: Warning: Unknown token: defauthpassphrase.

Error opening specified endpoint "161"

Server Exiting with code 1


Basically, the snmpd does not recognize the tokens in snmpd.conf, which was
created using snmpconf.

Any hints?


On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 1:42 AM, Venki <>wrote:

> **
> Hi Simon,
>     Please follow the following steps.
>     [root@venkatesh perl]# cd  net-snmp-5.7.pre1/perl
>     [root@venkatesh perl]# make
>     [root@venkatesh perl]# make install
> Please try this,
> Regards,
> Venki.
> Simon Chamlian wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an embedded board running Linux/net-snmp (TWR54418 from Freescale).
> I am trying to get the agent going on the eval board and create an
> application in C, to connect to the agent and return a value to a get/set
> command from a mib bowser running on PC.
> After reading several tutorials, I came accross, "MIB for Dummies". It
> suggests to create the C code from the MIB I have.
> But when I run it, I get the following error:
> [root@M54418TWR snmp]# mib2c -c mib2c.mfd.conf
> ERROR: You don't have the SNMP perl module installed.  Please obtain
> this by getting the latest source release of the net-snmp toolkit from
> .  Once you download the source and
> unpack it, the perl module is contained in the perl/SNMP directory.
> See the README file there for instructions.
> [root@M54418TWR snmp]#
> I checked the downloads and I don't see any SNMP perl module?
> Note that Perl is installed on the eval board since snmpconf (perl script)
> works fine.
> Any hints will be greatly appreciated to help me out:
> 1) To launch the SNMP agent daemon
> 2) When a Get/Set/Get(Walk)/GetTable  issued from a MIB browser from a PC,
> I get to a C application to return actual data.
> Thanks,
> Simon
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