
karen blissett ha scritto:
> Hi xDxD,
> It has inspired me to singalong.....:-)
>     ___
>    |___|
>   _|  _|
>  (@) (@)  with x factor trials & sentimental smiles
> with our dreams we will sing our way out of this silly crisis
>                                          ____
>                                         |  __|
>                                        _|   _|
>                                       (@). (@)
> For our nation is proud and by unfurling our big flag
> we will happily spank those annoying anti-corporate asses
>                                    |-.
>                                   _|
>                                  (@)
> And our harmonies will rule because we think we're cool
> not just, liberal drool all wearing commie like glasses
>  |\
>  | \
>  |
>  |
>  ()
> Our dream is pure we will for sure liberate all from calamity
> and incorporate our goals into your souls with our own special brand of
> vanity
> Lalalala....
>         ,
>         |\        __
>         | |      |--|             __
>         |/       |  |            |~'
>        /|_      () ()            |
>       //| \             |\      ()
>      | \|_ |            | \
>       \_|_/            ()  |
>         |                  |
>        @'                 ()
> .........................................

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