Battle for Gaza Fought on the Web, Too.

Written by Jart Armin

Whatever your personal perspective on the rights and wrongs of the 
current Palestinian-Israeli war in Gaza, there's a second front being 
fought on the Internet. This form of warfare is a battle of words and 
often vivid imagery engaged by hackers from either side of the divide. 
The image shown below is a highly graphic example from a defaced Israeli 
commercial Website, hacked by "DNS Team" today.

Many are familiar with the explosive form of botnet-based direct 
denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks carried out and widely reported, 
against governmental Websites in Estonia in 2007 and Georgia in August 
2008. In fact this particular cyberwar in the Middle East has been going 
on since at least 2001. Mirroring the real world, this cyberwar waxes 
and wanes as the ground warfare fans the flames on the Internet at times 
such as this.

The tactics include many sophisticated hacking techniques more 
frequently used against commercial sites, but this development is 
important to any commercial or governmental network operation.

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