UK Approves Police Hacking Home Computers.

By Kim Zetter.

The UK's Home Office is supporting a proposal that would allow British 
police or MI5 agents to hack home, office and other private computers 
without a warrant to intercept e-mail traffic and monitor a user's other 
computer activities.

The proposal, initiated by the European Union council of ministers, 
calls for British police to install spyware on personal computers at the 
request of other European nations that suspect UK residents of 
involvement in criminal activity.

The only authorization that's needed for the surveillance is for a 
senior officer to determine that the monitoring is "proportionate" and 
necessary to investigate a "serious" crime (any crime that carries a 
possible jail sentence of at least three years). This could involve, for 
example, anyone suspected of terrorism, pedophilia or identity or credit 
card theft.


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