YouTube's January Fair Use Massacre.

Commentary by Fred von Lohmann.

This is what it's come to. Teenagers singing "Winter Wonderland" being 
censored off YouTube.

Fair use has always been at risk on YouTube, thanks to abusive DMCA 
takedown notices sent by copyright owners (sometimes carelessly, 
sometimes not). But in the past several weeks, two things have made 
things much worse for those who want to sing a song, post an a capella 
tribute, or set machinima to music.

First, it appears that more and more copyright owners are using 
YouTube's automated copyright filtering system (known as the Content ID 
system), which tests all videos looking for a "match" with 
"fingerprints" provided by copyright owners.

Second, thanks to a recent spat between YouTube and Warner Music Group, 
YouTube's Content ID tool is now being used to censor lots and lots of 
videos (previously, Warner just silently shared in the advertising 
revenue for the videos that included a "match" to its music).

EFF, along with many other public interest groups, have repeatedly 
expressed our concerns to both copyright owners and YouTube about the 
dangers of automated filtering systems like the Content ID system. These 
systems are still primitive and unable to distinguish a tranformative 
remix from copyright infringement. So unless they leave lots of 
breathing room for remixed content, these filters end up sideswiping 
lots of fair uses.

And that's exactly what has happened these past few weeks. And while 
today it's Warner Music, as more copyright owners start using the 
Content ID tool, it'll only get worse. Soon it may be off limits to 
remix anything with snippets of our shared mass media culture -- music, 
TV, movies, jingles, commercials. That would be a sad irony -- copyright 
being used to stifle an exciting new wellspring of creativity, rather 
than encourage it.

It's clear from the Warner Music experience that YouTube's Content ID 
tool fails to separate the infringements from the arguable fair uses. 
And while YouTube offers users the option to dispute a removal (if it's 
an automated Content ID removal) or send a formal DMCA counter-notice 
(if it's an official DMCA takedown), many YouTube users, lacking legal 
help, are afraid to wave a red flag in front of Warner Music's lawyers. 
That's a toxic combination for amateur video creators on YouTube.

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