Friday, October 11, 2013, 2:15 – 3:45 pm   (EST)

//Conversations on 21st Century Technologies and the state of a global identity 
in Dance and Music //---
Choreographer Johannes Birringer and Dance Musician Manjunan Gnanaratnam

as part of
International Guild of Musicians in Dance:
SUNY Brockport Music for Dance Conference:
Digital Transformations in Music for Dance,
October 10-13, 2013

Johannes Birringer and Manjunan Gnanaratnam will discuss a wide range of topics 
related to today’s technologies in dance and music. Specifically, they will 
discuss Johannes Birringer’s  current work and also discuss the topic in 
general terms in relation to performance, collaborations, education, research, 
theory, philosophy, identity; both local and global and current state.  
Audience will have the opportunity to pose questions in the last half hour.

Tamara Wilcox, assistant professor/music director in the Department of Dance, 
chairs this conference on the SUNY Brockport campus October 10-13 featuring 
international dialogues and presentations by some of the world's most esteemed 
musicians in the field of music for dance. Digital technology has evolved at a 
rapid pace. In music for dance, there are new ways to generate sound in 
performance and in the studio, new ways to connect remotely for collaborative 
projects, and new ways to preserve and present research. Therefore, it is 
important for scholars in the field to have critical dialogues about these 

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