On Mon, 16 Jul 2018, Roy Marples wrote:

> Sadly, all my machines are x86 based. I have an ERLITE mips router where I
> also run dhcpcd, and it doesn't stamp on routes there either, so I'm pretty
> sure this isn't an arch issue ... but I could be wrong.

The only route that was an issue was the local route to the NFS server.
Somehow a netbooted x86 system can complete the configuration, but
non-x86 dies as soon as 'dhcpcd' (or the earlier 'dhclient') touches
the interface.  Interface is downed, root file system is gone, can't
bring interface back up, game over.

I've got a fresh build of -current just installed for the netbooted
Lemote YeeLoong.  Need to give it a whirl with "dhcp" in the
"ifconfig.rtk0" file and see if the situation has changed.

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