On Mon, 16 Jul 2018, John D. Baker wrote:

> Can "env var=value" be part of the block guarded by an "interface ifN"
> statement?  On a multi-homed machine, there should be only one host name
> and one can choose the interface from which it receives (and acts on) the
> information.
> If not, that would be the only change I'd suggest.  Again, there is a
> brief period of flip-flopping of hostname depending on the order in
> which interfaces are configured.  The interface with "force_hostname=YES"
> should override any prior assignment and any later interface configuration
> should ignore the hostname as already set.

Duh!  I just remembered, one could set "nohook hostname" for interfaces
which should not be used for setting the host name.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
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