On Sun, 15 Jul 2018, Roy Marples wrote:

> But have we considered an alternative? The in kernel DHCP client as
> I see it is just to handle network booting yes? Once userland is
> netmounted, dhcpcd can then take over? If so, does the kernel DHCP

This seems to be a condition unique to x86 platforms, that one can
re-configure the network interface with 'dhcpcd' (and in the past,
'dhclient') on a netbooted host.  All the non-x86 platforms I've tried
this with hang (NFS error 69) when the network interface is reconfigured.

Possibly arrange for 'dhcpcd' to not touch the interface, but just
gather and set up the ancillary information requested/provided.

> client even need to set the hostname? If not, we can remove that to
> make the kernel smaller.

Indeed, those netbooted hosts in my tests which didn't get a name at
all via the in-kernel DHCP client had no trouble booting.  I didn't test
the case where 'dhcpcd' wasn't running, however.  IIRC, it'll just end
up as "Amnesiac" (via 'getty', or "1" in 'xdm') and one can set the
preferred name in "rc.conf".

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