Mayuresh <> wrote:

> On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 09:20:57PM +0000, Christopher Pinon wrote:
> > Someone has already mentioned Vultr (who offer KVM VPSes), which is a
> > good choice. I've run a small NetBSD VPS at Vultr in the past.
> > 
> > For a small, reliable UK-based provider (who offer both web hosting and
> > VPSes), I can recommend . I currently run
> > a small NetBSD VPS with them.
> Has anyone tried hetzner[1]?
> It seems KVM, so possibly NetBSD should work.
> The plans look good 2GB/20GB/20TB/1vCPU for Euro 2.49.

Yes, Hetzner's VPS line is KVM, and NetBSD should work on it, but I
don't have experience with this. Their control panel doesn't allow you
to upload an ISO but you can request an ISO via a ticket. Their panel
then allows you to interact with your VPS.

On their wiki, there are some instructions in German about how to
install OpenBSD ( ), so I
assume that NetBSD would work as well.  

This said, Vultr is no doubt a safer choice for NetBSD, because a number
of us have run NetBSD on Vultr with no issues.

> This[2] says KVM console is on chargeable basis beyond 3 hours. I think
> vultr doesn't have such restriction. Does inceptionhosting have any such
> restriction?

The KVM console pertains to the dedicated servers; for the VPSes, you
use their control panel to manage the VPS. (No time restriction for the
control panel.)


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