On Thu, May 09, 2019 at 11:35:03AM +0000, Christopher Pinon wrote:
> > > This said, Vultr is no doubt a safer choice for NetBSD, because a number
> > > of us have run NetBSD on Vultr with no issues.
> > 
> > Oh certainly. I can vouch for this as well. However Hetzner's
> > configuration for nearly same price is quite better
> > 
> > storage: 10G vs 20G
> > RAM: 512M vs 2G
> > traffic: .50T vs 20T
> > price: $2.5 vs Euro 2.49 (approx $2.79)
> > 
> > Thanks for clarifying this well. I am inclined to try their service out
> > now.
> If you do try, please let us know it goes! :-)

I did try this out and it's working pretty fine. Deleted if after some
testing. Thinking whether I should migrate from Vultr.

On my request they immediately added NetBSD to their collection of isos
and it installed fine as well.

Vultr allows you to directly boot from an iso, whereas at Hetzner you have
to first instantiate a server using a pre-definied Linux image, then
attach iso to it and then reboot to your iso. A bit unnecessary, but ok as
it's one time.

On the web console the keyboard did not work reliably - e.g. up, down
keys, but there are alternatives in netbsd installer. Later even normal
alphabetic keys didn't work, but after restarting everything they started
working fine. I think vultr's console was relatively smoother. But these
things aren't a deal breaker, being one time.

They do not have location servers to test latencies. One has to
temporarily provision the servers and check latency - this is what they
advised. Locations are Nuremberg, Falkenstein and Helsinki.

Overall the support service was very responsive.


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