On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 09:19:45AM -0700, Andy Bierman wrote:
> Conformance to YANG for the extension: NONE This includes syntax and
> semantics.  It makes no sense at all (Lada is right) to say the
> extension semantics apply.  They only apply if the tool supports the
> extension.  Conformance to the extension is a different matter.

I would hope that a server supporting NACM implements the behaviour of
nacm:default-deny-write when nodes are tagged with this extension.
Sure, a YANG parser is allowed to skip over nacm:default-deny-write
but if nacm:default-deny-write is used for a certain node, I think we
want the server to implement the semantics implied by
nacm:default-deny-write regardless which tool the developer used.


Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <http://www.jacobs-university.de/>

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