

Not sure how this can be done in all cases.  Assume we have a box that allows 
‘n’ boards to be plugged in slots 1..n.  During pre-provisioning we configure 2 
boards of the same type, one in slot 1 and another in slot 2.  We also 
pre-provision the ports and allocate subscriber interfaces and assign data 
specific to these subscribers (so in a way this will be related to e.g. how the 
ports are wired via an MDF).  The device is not really able to determine by 
itself which board is contained in slot 1 (supporting the subscribers that are 
wired via MDF to terminate on this board) and the other to the board in slot 2. 
 The only way the device would be able to do so autonomously would be when e.g. 
a serial number related to the boards is provided by the operator when 
pre-provisioning the board.  The serial number is retrievable from the 
inventory information present in the board and hence the device could relate a 
board to a specific slot.  However… when the board gets broken it is 
temporarily (or even permanently in case the board is really broken) replaced 
by another board of the same type but with a different serial number.  This 
would then mean that the operator also needs to modify that serial number since 
the serial number in the inventory no longer matches the one entered by the 
operator when configuring the board (it is not really expected/allowed that the 
NC server would modify the RW data for that board).


Not really sure this is an elegant way of exposing this serial number 
management to a network operator.  So don’t we need a mechanism via 
configuration (i.e. R/W leafs) to configure this “containment” ?


Best regards - Vriendelijke groeten,

Bart Bogaert

Broadband-Access System Architect Data

Contact number +32 3 2408310 (+32 477 673952)



Copernicuslaan 50, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium
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From: William Lupton [mailto:wlup...@broadband-forum.org] 
Sent: 01 August 2016 11:14
To: Bogaert, Bart (Nokia - BE)
Cc: netmod@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [netmod] BBF extensions to ietf-entity


Maybe configuration of the entity tree for pluggable items should be handled 
via augmentations that are specific to pluggable items?


There seems to be an analogy with interfaces here. The ietf-interfaces module 
provides only a read-only view of the interface stack, and interface 
type-specific modules are expected to provide a means of configuring the stack 
for interfaces of that type (where necessary).




On 29 Jul 2016, at 15:04, Bogaert, Bart (Nokia - BE) <bart.boga...@nokia.com> 


I would like to bring this to the ietf-entity group.  Currently BBF is 
proposing to add new RW leafs to the entity object.  This is done in the 
context of plugable entities and hence it means that when an operator (via a NC 
client) configures a plugable item it is required to define the entity type.  
For this reason additional RW attributes are needed.  Two of the new leafs are 
class and contained-in (same as the RO class leaf). 

-          class: we think that the class leaf needs to be mandatory but adding 
this via an augment is not possible as we can’t add a mandatory leaf via an 
augment.  Making class implicit for the client based on “some information” 
exchanged between device vendors and management applications is maybe not such 
a sound approach.

-          contained-in: for plugable items contained-in requires to be 
mandatory too as a plugable item can’t be “floating” in the device.  But we 
then hit a problem for the ‘top-level’ entity which not contained in anything 
(and ‘fooling’ the model by having it pointing to itself is not allowed).  
Contained-in can’t be derived by the NC server: what to do if 2 entities of the 
same class are preprovisioned (together with ports and interfaces related to 
subscribers)?  We need to be sure that the subscribers are on the intended 


This would mean that the ietf-entity model would require a revision to add 
leafs for these plugable items.  What is the best way to address this?


Best regards - Vriendelijke groeten,

Bart Bogaert

Broadband-Access System Architect Data

Contact number +32 3 2408310 (+32 477 673952)



Copernicuslaan 50, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium
Fortis 220-0002334-42
VAT BE 0404 621 642 Register of Legal Entities Antwerp

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