
"Bogaert, Bart (Nokia - BE)" <bart.boga...@nokia.com> wrote:
> I would like to bring this to the ietf-entity group.  Currently BBF is
> proposing to add new RW leafs to the entity object.  This is done in the
> context of plugable entities and hence it means that when an operator (via a
> NC client) configures a plugable item it is required to define the entity
> type.  For this reason additional RW attributes are needed.  Two of the new
> leafs are class and contained-in (same as the RO class leaf). 
> -          class: we think that the class leaf needs to be mandatory but
> adding this via an augment is not possible as we can't add a mandatory leaf
> via an augment.  Making class implicit for the client based on "some
> information" exchanged between device vendors and management applications is
> maybe not such a sound approach.

Can you explain in more detail how this would be used?  The idea is
that 'class' is a property of the physical hw, and that the underlying
system provides this info.  I can see that it could be useful for the
client to set this if the system can't do the classification (i.e.,
the system-set value is 'unknown').  But that's probably not the use
case you had in mind?

> -          contained-in: for plugable items contained-in requires to be
> mandatory too as a plugable item can't be "floating" in the device.

Can you explain in more detail what this means, and provide some use


> But we
> then hit a problem for the 'top-level' entity which not contained in
> anything (and 'fooling' the model by having it pointing to itself is not
> allowed).  Contained-in can't be derived by the NC server: what to do if 2
> entities of the same class are preprovisioned (together with ports and
> interfaces related to subscribers)?  We need to be sure that the subscribers
> are on the intended ports.
> This would mean that the ietf-entity model would require a revision to add
> leafs for these plugable items.  What is the best way to address this?
> Best regards - Vriendelijke groeten,
> Bart Bogaert
> Broadband-Access System Architect Data
> Contact number +32 3 2408310 (+32 477 673952)
> Copernicuslaan 50, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium
> Fortis 220-0002334-42
> VAT BE 0404 621 642 Register of Legal Entities Antwerp
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