On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 05:36:12PM +0100, t.petch wrote:
> Robert
> The definition of 'configuration' in netmod-revised-datastores-02 is
> very different from what has gone before in NETCONF and NETMOD.
> You start with
> 'Data that determines how a device behaves.  '
> which is how I would have defined configuration before the days of
> NETCONF and which I imagine is how many who have not been exposed to
> NETCONF would still do.  NETCONF narrowed the definition a lot; 'Data
> that determines how a device behaves' opens it up again.
> You add the qualification 'using "config true" nodes' which doesn't
> really mean anything in this context, unless you already know some YANG
> models, and know what is modelled in this way and what is not and so can
> work it out, reverse engineering.
> Coming to netmod-revised-datastores-02  with an innocent eye, knowing
> that the ground has moved, that some of my assumptions of the past 10
> years are no longer valid, then these definitions convey to me that
> configuration acquired from the system or from routing protocols, to
> take two common examples, will now always be modelled 'config true',
> that is the first sentence is the definition and the second - 'config
> true' - is the consequence thereof.
> Of course, if you come to the I-D knowing otherwise, then you may find a
> different interpretation but I do not think that that is the obvious
> interpretation.

Is your proposal to take out "This data is modeled in YANG using
"config true" nodes."?

Note that the NMDA document further defines

   o  conventional configuration: Configuration that is stored in any of
      the conventional configuration datastores.

   o  dynamic configuration: Configuration obtained via a dynamic

   o  learned configuration: Configuration that has been learned via
      protocol interactions with other systems that is not conventional
      or dynamic configuration.

   o  system configuration: Configuration that is supplied by the device

   o  default configuration: Configuration that is not explicitly
      provided but for which a value defined in the data model is used.

There are corresponding origin attribute definitions. (With the minore
caveat that the origin value for conventional configuration is
intended since this is the datastore conventional configuration
finally originates from.)


Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
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