
Thanks for the review!  Comments inline.

Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:
> Hi Lou, Martin
> I've done a quick review of draft -04.
> It looks well written to me.
> I have a spotted a few minor nits/questions.
> Section 1:
> (i) "Such diagrams are commonly used to provided " => "Such diagrams
> are used to provide"?


> (ii) "This document provides the syntax used in YANG Tree Diagrams."
> => "This document describes the syntax used in YANG Tree Diagrams", or
> if not "describes", perhaps "specifies"?

I changed to "describes".

> (iii) "common practice is include" => "common practice is to include"


> Section 2:
> (iv) Are the top level data nodes really offset by 4 spaces, or should
> this be 2 spaces?  The example in section 2, and section 4 seem to
> differ here.  The submodule example in Sec 2.1 looks like it is using
> 2 spaces.

It should be 4 spaces.  I fixed the example in 2.1.

> (v) "is prefaces with" => "is prefaced with"


> (vi) Section 2.2, should there be an example of an unexpanded uses
> statement?  I was wondering if this section was under specified?

I have added:

   For example, the following diagram shows the "tls-transport" grouping
   from [RFC7407] unexpanded:

       +--rw tls
          +---u tls-transport

   If the grouping is expanded, it could be printed as:

       +--rw tls
          +--rw port?                 inet:port-number
          +--rw client-fingerprint?   x509c2n:tls-fingerprint
          +--rw server-fingerprint?   x509c2n:tls-fingerprint
          +--rw server-identity?      snmp:admin-string

> Section 2.6:
> (vii) "If the node is augmented into the tree from another module, its
> name is printed as <prefix>:<name>."  Does there need to be a
> clarification that the prefix name used is the one used by the
> module's import statement?  Or does it use the prefix statement from
> the imported modules instead (I know that these should normally be the
> same, but this is not guaranteed).

Since this is used when a node is augmented *into* the main tree, it
can't be the prefix in import, since the augmenting module is not
imported from the augmented module.  I did:


      If the node is augmented into the tree from another module,
      its name is printed as <prefix>:<name>.


      If the node is augmented into the tree from another module,
      its name is printed as <prefix>:<name>, where <prefix> is the
      prefix defined in the module where the node is defined.

> Section 3.2.
> (viii) It would be slightly easier to read if there wasn't a linebreak
> between "--" and "tree-print-groupings", not sure if that is feasible
> to force this.

I don't think I can enforce this, but I'll look into it.  If nothing
else, the RFC editor will fix this.


> Thanks,
> Rob
> On 10/01/2018 16:16, joel jaeggli wrote:
> > Just a reminder given the date that this was posted. This last call is
> > expected to complete Monday 1/15/18.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > joel
> >
> >
> > On 1/1/18 2:01 PM, joel jaeggli wrote:
> >> Greetings,
> >>
> >> We hope  the new year is a time to make great progess on outstanding
> >> documents before preparation for the  London IETF begins in earnest.
> >>
> >> This starts a two-week working group last call on:
> >>
> >>   YANG Tree Diagrams
> >> draft-ietf-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams
> >>
> >> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams/
> >>
> >> Please send email to the list indicating your support or concerns.
> >>
> >> We are particularly interested in statements of the form:
> >>
> >>    * I have reviewed this draft and found no issues.
> >>    * I have reviewed this draft and found the following issues: ...
> >>
> >>
> >> Thank you,
> >> NETMOD WG Chairs
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > netmod mailing list
> > netmod@ietf.org
> > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/netmod
> > .
> >
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