Robert Wilton <> wrote:
> On 15/01/2018 15:26, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
> > Robert Wilton <> wrote:
> >> Hi Martin,
> >>
> >> All OK with me except where I have further comments/questions inline
> >> below:
> >>
> >> On 15/01/2018 14:39, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for the review!  Comments inline.
> >>>
> >>> Robert Wilton <> wrote:
> >>>> Hi Lou, Martin
> >>>>
> >>>> I've done a quick review of draft -04.
> >>>>
> >>>> It looks well written to me.
> >>>>
> >>>> I have a spotted a few minor nits/questions.
> >>>>
> >>>> Section 1:
> >>>>
> >>>> (i) "Such diagrams are commonly used to provided " => "Such diagrams
> >>>> are used to provide"?
> >>> Ok.
> >>>
> >>>> (ii) "This document provides the syntax used in YANG Tree Diagrams."
> >>>> => "This document describes the syntax used in YANG Tree Diagrams", or
> >>>> if not "describes", perhaps "specifies"?
> >>> I changed to "describes".
> >>>
> >>>> (iii) "common practice is include" => "common practice is to include"
> >>> Ok.
> >>>
> >>>> Section 2:
> >>>> (iv) Are the top level data nodes really offset by 4 spaces, or should
> >>>> this be 2 spaces?  The example in section 2, and section 4 seem to
> >>>> differ here.  The submodule example in Sec 2.1 looks like it is using
> >>>> 2 spaces.
> >>> It should be 4 spaces.  I fixed the example in 2.1.
> >> Hum, OK.  Is this the right choice?
> >>   - It means that the tree is indented 2 spaces further than everything
> >> else (e.g. groupings, augments, etc).
> > Well, I think it is consistent as it is now:
> >
> > module: <module-name>
> >      +--<node>
> >      |  +--<node>
> >      |     +--<node>
> >      +--<node>
> >         +--<node>
> >            +--<node>
> >
> >    augment <target-node>:
> >      +--<node>
> >         +--<node>
> >         +--<node>
> >            +--<node>
> >
> > Nodes are always intended 4 spaces.
> Yes, agree that it is consistent, but personally I would also be happy
> for the nodes to be intended 2 spaces for the main tree, and then 4
> spaces for everything else (effectively 2 spaces beyond the
> augment/rpc/etc).


> >>   - YANG modules in RFC's already struggle with line length anyway,
> >> hence wouldn't the use of 2 spaces give the model a bit more space.
> > This is a good argument.  I'm happy to save spaces by using 2 instead:
> >
> > module: <module-name>
> >    +--<node>
> >    |  +--<node>
> >    |     +--<node>
> >    +--<node>
> >       +--<node>
> >          +--<node>
> >
> >    augment <target-node>:
> >    +--<node>
> >       +--<node>
> >       +--<node>
> >          +--<node>
> I think that compact is better, if not quite so pretty, so this
> solution is also OK with me.
> Personally, I quite like a relative indent, i.e. the tree is intended
> 2 spaces more than its parent "thing", e.g.
> module: <module-name>
>   +--<node>
>   |  +--<node>
>   |     +--<node>
>   +--<node>
>      +--<node>
>         +--<node>
>   augment <target-node>:
>     +--<node>
>        +--<node>
>        +--<node>
>           +--<node>

Ok, I will use this.


> >> I also think that it would be good to check the indent of all the tree
> >> diagram snippets in the doc, it looks like they may be using somewhat
> >> varying levels of indents (between 2 and 6 spaces).
> > Ok.
> >
> >
> >>>> (v) "is prefaces with" => "is prefaced with"
> >>> Ok.
> >>>
> >>>> (vi) Section 2.2, should there be an example of an unexpanded uses
> >>>> statement?  I was wondering if this section was under specified?
> >>> I have added:
> >>>
> >>>      For example, the following diagram shows the "tls-transport" grouping
> >>>      from [RFC7407] unexpanded:
> >>>
> >>>          +--rw tls
> >>>             +---u tls-transport
> >>>
> >>>      If the grouping is expanded, it could be printed as:
> >>>
> >>>          +--rw tls
> >>>             +--rw port?                 inet:port-number
> >>>             +--rw client-fingerprint?   x509c2n:tls-fingerprint
> >>>             +--rw server-fingerprint?   x509c2n:tls-fingerprint
> >>>             +--rw server-identity?      snmp:admin-string
> >> Yes, looks good.
> >>
> >>>> Section 2.6:
> >>>> (vii) "If the node is augmented into the tree from another module, its
> >>>> name is printed as <prefix>:<name>."  Does there need to be a
> >>>> clarification that the prefix name used is the one used by the
> >>>> module's import statement?  Or does it use the prefix statement from
> >>>> the imported modules instead (I know that these should normally be the
> >>>> same, but this is not guaranteed).
> >>> Since this is used when a node is augmented *into* the main tree, it
> >>> can't be the prefix in import, since the augmenting module is not
> >>> imported from the augmented module.  I did:
> >> But the YANG module must import the module that it is augmenting. If a
> >> local import prefix is used in the actual YANG module then it would be
> >> slightly harder to relate the tree output back to local import
> >> prefixes used in the YANG module.
> > Here's an example:
> >
> > module: ietf-interfaces
> >      +--rw interfaces
> >      |  +--rw interface* [name]
> >      |     +--rw name                        string
> >      ...
> >      |     +--rw ip:ipv4!
> >
> > ietf-interfaces doesn't import ietf-ip, so there is no other prefix to
> > use for "ipv4" than the one defined in ietf-ip!
> Ah, yes, OK.  I was assuming that the tree diagram would always be
> done from the augmenting module, but clearly that is not necessarily
> the case.
> >
> >>> OLD:
> >>>
> >>>         If the node is augmented into the tree from another module,
> >>>         its name is printed as <prefix>:<name>.
> >>>
> >>> NEW:
> >>>
> >>>         If the node is augmented into the tree from another module,
> >>>         its name is printed as <prefix>:<name>, where <prefix> is the
> >>>         prefix defined in the module where the node is defined.
> >> This is OK with me, but there is still a potential for a prefix
> >> namespace clash (since prefixes are not guaranteed to be unique).
> >>
> >> An alternative solution would be for the YANG tree diagram to list (at
> >> the beginning or the end of the diagram) the mappings from prefix ->
> >> module name used.
> > The tree diagram is supposed to give a simplified overview of the
> > structure of a module.  I agree with your statemenet below that such a
> > mappig adds noise...  I prefer to keep the diagram as is.
> That is fine with me, really just raising so that the point could be
> discussed and closed.
> Thanks,
> Rob
> >
> >
> > /martin
> >
> >
> >> This has the bonus that it also explicitly lists
> >> the YANG modules that are being augmented, but conversely, this might
> >> end up just adding unnecessary noise to a diagram that should be short
> >> and simple ...
> >>
> >> A second alternative would be to add some vague text to state that the
> >> prefix to module mapping should be explicitly listed in any cases
> >> where the prefix name alone is not obvious.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Rob
> >>
> >>
> >>>> Section 3.2.
> >>>> (viii) It would be slightly easier to read if there wasn't a linebreak
> >>>> between "--" and "tree-print-groupings", not sure if that is feasible
> >>>> to force this.
> >>> I don't think I can enforce this, but I'll look into it.  If nothing
> >>> else, the RFC editor will fix this.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> /martin
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> Rob
> >>>>
> >>>> On 10/01/2018 16:16, joel jaeggli wrote:
> >>>>> Just a reminder given the date that this was posted. This last call is
> >>>>> expected to complete Monday 1/15/18.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks
> >>>>>
> >>>>> joel
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On 1/1/18 2:01 PM, joel jaeggli wrote:
> >>>>>> Greetings,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> We hope  the new year is a time to make great progess on outstanding
> >>>>>> documents before preparation for the  London IETF begins in earnest.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> This starts a two-week working group last call on:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>     YANG Tree Diagrams
> >>>>>> draft-ietf-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Please send email to the list indicating your support or concerns.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> We are particularly interested in statements of the form:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>      * I have reviewed this draft and found no issues.
> >>>>>>      * I have reviewed this draft and found the following issues: ...
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thank you,
> >>>>>> NETMOD WG Chairs
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>>> netmod mailing list
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> .
> >>>>>
> >>> .
> >>>
> > .
> >
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