The current dicussion on the draft is not yet concluded. The WGLC will
conclude when discussion of the editorial changes is complete.


On 1/10/18 8:16 AM, joel jaeggli wrote:
> Just a reminder given the date that this was posted. This last call is
> expected to complete Monday 1/15/18.
> Thanks
> joel
> On 1/1/18 2:01 PM, joel jaeggli wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> We hope  the new year is a time to make great progess on outstanding
>> documents before preparation for the  London IETF begins in earnest.
>> This starts a two-week working group last call on:
>>  YANG Tree Diagrams
>> draft-ietf-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams
>> Please send email to the list indicating your support or concerns.
>> We are particularly interested in statements of the form:
>>   * I have reviewed this draft and found no issues.
>>   * I have reviewed this draft and found the following issues: ...
>> Thank you,
>> NETMOD WG Chairs
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