On 26/09/2018 15:09, Kent Watsen wrote:
I recommend that we select "option-2" (see bottom).
Yes, option 2 seems reasonable to me.


- it easy to do.
- there's no current support for having tabs in folded output.
- doing so doesn't preclude an "option-3" someday in the future.

The authors will assume that this is WG consensus if there are no
objections within a week's time.

Kent // co-author

-----Original Message-----

[new subject line]

It is one thing for an editor to use tabs during the creation of text,
and another to publish text with an expectation that consumers will
render the tabs the same way.  Either the source editor converts tabs
to spaces, which is interoperable today, or keep the tabs while
publishing metadata in the text, using some TBD standard, enabling
consumers to use the same tab stops.

If there were a standard enabling the publishing of text including
tabs, it should work for all artwork, not just artwork that has been
folded.  This is similar to the discussion we had before about having
begin/end markers enabling perfect extractions, in that it is also
something that pertains to all artwork, not just artwork that has
been folded.

Thus, there are a total of three problems:
   P1: perfect extraction
   P2: tabs
   P3: long lines

Assuming all thing were solved problems, and assuming that we always
want perfect extraction, the possible combinations for the occurrence
of the other two problems are:
   - no tabs or long lines
   - tabs, but no long lines
   - long lines, but no tabs
   - tabs and long lines

How are they ordered?  Clearly supporting perfect extractions has
to be the outermost thing, but what about the other two?   Does it

Thinking about solutions:

  - the solution for long-lines is to use a header (not a footer)
    because it's believed important to prime readers *before* they
    read the text.

  - the solution for perfect-extraction could be either:
      - use both a header-and-footer marker (low tech)
      - or use either a header or a footer that encodes
        something like a "num lines" value into the
        marker.  (note: footer-only okay since the marker
        is for programmatic processors, not the readers)

  - the solution for tabs could be to use either a header
    or a footer that encodes the tab- stop metadata. (note:
    footer-only okay since the marker is for programmatic
    processors, not the readers)

If tabs were to be supported by the folding solution (note: it
doesn't make sense to talk about "folds being supporting by the
tabbing solution"), then either:

   a) tabs are handled *before* folding, and the folding-solution
      is aware of the tab-solution (i.e., it is able to process
      the metadata).

       - everybody nods ;)

   b) the folding-solution is really a folding+tab solution, that is,
      it has a built-in way of handling tabs (i.e., encoding tab stop
      metadata) independent of how tabs are handled for text that has
      not been folded.

       - this may be technically possible, but we should avoid having
         two solutions to solve the tab problem.  We would be better
         off solving the tab-problem directly and then use (a).

   c) the folding-solution folds using the source tab stops, but does
      not itself encode metadata about the tab stops, assuming that
      there is a "promise" that the encoding of the metadata will
      occur in a wrapper layer around it.

       - this feels icky, but it seems viable and, would possible
         allow us to proceed with this draft without having to solve
         the tabbing problem now.


   1) RFC disallows TABS in both the source-input and folded-output.
      ***This is what we currently have***

   2) RFC disallows TABS only in the folded-output, per RFC 7991,
      leaving it to the folding-logic (the script) to decide if it
      wants to:
       a) disallow TABS in the source input (curr script does this)
       b) detect TABS exist and prompt user for TAB stop info
       c) detect TABS and query environment for cur TAB stop info
          (but tab-stops may differ in the shell the text editor,
          or whatever was used to create the text, right?)

   3) RFC allows TABS in the folded output, and solves it by
      depending on a tab-solution, as described by (a).

   4) RFC allows TABS in the folded output, but does not solves it,
      as described by (c). This would probably NOT be allowed from
      a standardization perspective.

Moving to (2) would be easy and probably resolves most concerns

Moving to (3) is possible, but we would do so only to:

  - support non-IETF use cases

  - or pave the way for an rfc7991bis that could depend on the
    solutions we define here.

    That is, rfc7991bis could *allow* long-lines and tabs while
    `xml2rfc` applies the solutions being discussed here only
    for when exporting the "plain-text" format (other formats
    may have better ways to support perfect extractions and/or
    not care about long-lines or tabs).

    PS: as a corollary, realize that when we pre-textualizing
        artwork for XML-based submissions, we are somewhat
        worsening the result for other output formats (not


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