> Given that 2) has a)-c), I do not understand what the recommendation
> actually is. The recommendation is hopefully 2a) and we are done.

For the script that we include in the Appendix, the authors wish to
keep the current "2a" behavior and have no plans to change that.

The only change we're envisioning is to the following paragraph from
Section 6.1 (Automated Folding):


   Scan the artwork to ensure the horizontal tab character does not
   appear.  If any horizontal tab character appears, exit (this artwork
   cannot be folded).


   Scan the artwork to ensure the horizontal tab character does not
   appear.  If any horizontal tab character appears, either 1) do
   something to support tabs in the folded output (out of scope to
   this draft), 2) do something to convert the horizontal tabs in
   the input to space characters in the folded output, or 3) exit,
   forcing the input provider to convert the horizontal tabs to
   space characters first.

Note: the "do something" phraseology seems too informal, would welcome
suggestions for tightening it up.

Kent // co-author

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