See below!    Balazs


From: netmod <> On Behalf Of Andy Bierman
Sent: 2019. október 10., csütörtök 17:34
To: Martin Bjorklund <>
Cc: NetMod WG <>
Subject: Re: [netmod] comments on draft-ietf-netmod-yang-instance-file-format-04




On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 5:06 AM Martin Bjorklund < 
<> > wrote:

  o  leaf-list module

    The type of this leaf-list is a string with:

      pattern '.+@\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\.yang';

    I think the revision needs to be optional, and the suffix ".yang"
    dropped, since it doesn't add any value:

      pattern '.+(@\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})?';

   (same for inline-spec).


IMO the filespec SHOULD follow the pattern in

BALAZS: It does follow the pattern except that I made the revision date 
mandatory. It is needed to properly understand the instance data.


Except a new file extension SHOULD be used.

Suggest: .yif == YANG Instance File


Obviously it would be a horrible idea to use .yang since that extension

is already used to identify a YANG schema file.

BALAZS: The leaf-list lists not the instance data files but the content 
defining YANG modules, so IMO “.yang” is an appropriate extension. It is really 
a YANG schema file we are listing.

  o  Data node naming.

    The current structure of the model is:

        +--rw (content-schema-spec)?
        |  +--:(simplified-inline)
        |     +--rw module*                 string
        |  +--:(inline)
        |  |  +--rw inline-spec*            string
        |  |  +--rw inline-content-schema   <anydata>
        |  +--:(uri)
        |     +--rw schema-uri?           inet:uri
        +--rw content-data?         <anydata>

    To make the instance document more understandable, I suggest the
    following structure, which adds a wrapping container for the
    schema, and renames the inline and uri nodes:

        +--rw content-schema
           +--rw (content-schema-spec)?
           |  +--:(simplified-inline)
           |     +--rw module*                 string
           |  +--:(inline)
           |  |  +--rw inline-module*          string
           |  |  +--rw inline-schema           <anydata>
           |  +--:(uri)
           |     +--rw same-schema-as-file?    inet:uri
        +--rw content-data?         <anydata>


+1, except not in favor of so many ways to specify schema.

That means the file reader MUST support all of them.


BALAZS: All 3 formats have been explicitly requested by earlier commenters. I 
see a rational for each:

Simplified-inline: it is simple and usually enough

Inline: if you need to specify not just the modules but also the supported 
features and deviations you need this full format

Uri: if you don’t really want to specify the content-schema in detail, e.g., 
because you are generating many files with the same schema, all you need is 
reference that identifies the content-schema


Which one would you like to implementing? Maybe we could make the inline method 
optional with a feature (feature if-feature),


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