In article <>,
   Barry E Allen <> wrote:
> In article <>, Torrens (lists)
> <> wrote:
> >

> > has bad text overlap problems. It's a pigs-ear of an html, using lots
> > of text position information in the css! I suspect if NS can work
> > that it can work miracles!

> I have similar problems with my TalkTalk bill which all comes out on
> one line.

> see:-


Both pages are specifying text positions.

But surely Talktalk pay no heed to standards? How many errors do their
pages return from the w3c validator?

I recently joined Zen - because they are much recommended. However their
pages do not validate and cannot be used on RISC OS. When I pointed this
out to them their attitide was that Microsoft returned 300 odd errors, so
the validation was useless. Their service is too expensive for support
that cannot be used!

I looked around a bit.'s pages validate with very few errors. I
am in process of swapping to them - I have yet to find anything on that doesn't work properly with Netsurf! Support is via the www
site - but it works, and does get actioned.

RISC OS users would save themselves trouble by using ISPs that took notice
of standards!

Richard Torrens. for genealogy, natural history, wild food, walks, cats
and more!

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