Torrens (lists) wrote on 13 Jan:
> one minimal page that shows the problem. As it seems to be settings
> dependant, the same directory holds a copy of my
> !Boot.Choices.Users.Single.WWW.NetSurf.Choices
> and a screen shot of the Netsurf window as it renders.

the page displayed fine here (Netsurf build r5991).
then i compared Choices:
    font_size:      mine 140   yours 160   default 128
     font_min_size:  mine 100   yours 120   default  85

i increased mine to match yours, and got the same problem as you.

perhaps you could decrease the fontsize you specify and instead use 
"scale view" (F11, and possibly save as default).

>>> no need to reply my entire message back to me ;=]
Jim Nagel              
   Abbey Press   32 Norbins Rd        (01458) 83 3603
   Glastonbury   BA6 9JG         pocket 0797 415 3861

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