In article <>, Jim Nagel
<> wrote:
> is there any way of automatically providing my username and password when
> i go to a certain website i need to use frequently?

> i have got as far as saving a URL file so that at least i don't have to
> type that part every time.  perhaps there's a standard way (which i should
> know but don't) of including the username and password in the URL file?

I Use one of the many macro progs that are available for RiscOS. !Tags by
Thomas Baldwin is good. Can't find a current link for that but I can send you
a copy.It's freeware. !Makro - David Thomas & !TextAid - Alan Wrigley will do
the same. Again, if you can't find 'em, I have copies. You can keep one of
these apps on your desktop with the usernames & passwords. Then it's a quick
few clicks & a scroll to insert what you need. If security is a problem, keep
em in an encrypted file on the desktop then one password gets all. Stephen
Sloan's !Encrypt will do that & there are probably others. Hope this helps,


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