In message <>
          Rob Kendrick <> wrote:

>On Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:39:19 +0100
>Dr Peter Young <> wrote:
>> > There was a hack floating about to automatically fill in forms for
>> > browsers under RISC OS, but I don't recall its name.  
>> Not a hack, but Kevin Wells's FFiler (the links given in the Help
>> file and on the software database seem to be dead, and Google hasn't
>> been my friend) will keep data and transfer it into NetSurf's icons. 
>> However, maybe you don't want to keep passwords in it ...
>Given NetSurf doesn't use icons for forms, I think this classes as a
>hack as it must be "typing" it in and hoping form tab ordering hasn't
>changed :)

What it does is you have the cursor in the form tab or icon location and
hit the button and it then puts the information from the button to the
form tab or icon.

The only browser it does not work with is Oregano2.

Kev Wells
ICQ 238580561
You can grow old but you don't have to grow up!

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