In message <>
          Dr Peter Young <> wrote:

>On 16 Apr 2009  Rob Kendrick <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:00:16 +0100
>> Jim Nagel <> wrote:
>>> is there any way of automatically providing my username and password
>>> when i go to a certain website i need to use frequently?
>> It depends.  If the site is using basic auth (ie, the browser pops up a
>> dialogue box asking you for a username and password) you can often pass
>> this information in the URL;
>> If the user name and password is collected via a form on the web page,
>> and the site doesn't have a "remember me" tick box, you'll need to use
>> a browser that can automatically fill in forms and remember passwords
>> for you.
>> There was a hack floating about to automatically fill in forms for
>> browsers under RISC OS, but I don't recall its name.
>Not a hack, but Kevin Wells's FFiler (the links given in the Help file 
>and on the software database seem to be dead, and Google hasn't been 
>my friend) will keep data and transfer it into NetSurf's icons. 
>However, maybe you don't want to keep passwords in it ...

I had to change the web space as the topcities one became unreliable to
change things.

>With best wishes,

Kev Wells
ICQ 238580561
Member of IRUG

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