On 26 Oct 2012 Jess Hampshire  wrote:

> In message <52e4b8a23cli...@torrens.org.uk>
>           "Richard Torrens (lists)" <li...@torrens.org.uk> wrote:

>> I frequently use StrongED to edit text: then mark it and drag and drop
>> into Netsurf.

> So do I.

>> Not sure how anyhting in Netsurf could make this simpler?

> Where it is no use is when a text box appears ready filled.

> The sort of thing I was thinking of, was a menu item over text boxes
> that sent the contents to an external editor, in much the same way as
> messenger pro used to. (it would also be nice to have options for what
> the editor sees it as.)

Yes, there are long-standing problems with editing in a textarea, 
especially if you try to cut and paste text. The cursor sits on the 
line below where the text would go, which is most confusing if you're 
not prepared for it. There is also a nasty gotcha where if you drag a 
text file into the textarea NS just opens the file in the main window 
thereby losing the form that you were completing.

I have raised bug reports in the dim and distant past but I guess 
there hasn't been anyone available to work on this area.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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