In article <>,
   Richard Porter <> wrote:
> That said I sometimes use Edit to compose the text in case there's a 
> problem with the web site and it gets lost. Also it gives me the 
> option of trying another browser.
> -- 
> Richard Porter   

Yes my wife who uses NetSurf a lot does that, compose in Edit, then copies
to the text area.

Can't be bothered myself, so I use Fx (16.02 ATM) and if it fails, an
addon called Lazarus returns the writing to me.

FWIW. I still use NetSurf on RO for a few bits and bobs, but recently the
final nails started to fall when LTSB reworked their online banking site a
short while back and it became impossible (due to lack of scripting) to do
much there other than view the site.

Shame, but practicalities rule.



Dave Triffid

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