The described pixel attack works in the digital domain (ie. modifying pre-captured images), in other words the attacker must have access to the digital pipeline. For real-time applications such access is rarely available, certainly not for the regular people on the street.

However, there are analog countermeasures:

I wonder if this will became a hoodie of the 21st century.

"CV Dazzle explores how fashion can be used as camouflage from face-detection technology, the first step in automated face recognition.

The name is derived from a type of World War I naval camouflage called Dazzle, which used cubist-inspired designs to break apart the visual continuity of a battleship and conceal its orientation and size. Likewise, CV Dazzle uses avant-garde hairstyling and makeup designs to break apart the continuity of a face. Since facial-recognition algorithms rely on the identification and spatial relationship of key facial features, like symmetry and tonal contours, one can block detection by creating an “anti-face”. "

One pixel attack for fooling deep neural networks

Jiawei Su, Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas, Sakurai Kouichi (Submitted on 24
Oct 2017)

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