Hmm, their team is a prime example of white, male, and non-diverse "singularity".

Are blockchain ICOs really spreading the control and wealth to the many? It's difficult to know, but considering the hurdles that have to be crossed to be able to gain access to the blockchain (to have internet access, a credit card or bank account, the knowledge and desire, and the money to invest) the vast majority of wealth generated went most likely into the pockets of the global top 2%. I've my doubt that much of this will start trickling down.

If the COIN has not the tackling of problems to the greater good in it genes, pardon me contracts, it will most likely not happen. Of course the platforms in creation could be very helpful (as Facebook is for many NGOs) but I don't have hope that the free coin markets will steer things into better places than the free financial markets did.


On 02/11/2017 13:53, charlie derr wrote:
On 11/02/2017 05:29 AM, Vincent Van Uffelen wrote:
Nevertheless, it [AI] remains a very powerful tool, and it is in the
hands of a very few (and their software engineer/programmer management
While it's still in the embryonic stages, I just wanted to mention a
rather ambitious effort to change this reality using blockchain
technology and implementing via open source code:

Their whitepaper is due out any day now.


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