Peace and Hope from Abu Dhabi.

-Patrick Lichty
> On Mar 23, 2019, at 2:54 PM, Andreas Broeckmann <> 
> wrote:
> friends, call me over-sensitive, but i think that nobody should be burned at 
> the stake for anything in any country; i say this also because this flippant 
> kind of rhetoric poisons the reasonable debate that is so urgently needed on 
> the matters at issue here. (to the contrary, i am glad that some civilised 
> countries find forms of punishment other than that for actual wrongdoing.) - 
> unfortunately, in a world where people get imprisoned and killed for all 
> sorts of things, there is little room for such dark humour... when all the 
> stakes have been taken down everywhere, we'll be able to laugh about this 
> joke again, perhaps.
> -a
> Am 23.03.19 um 05:46 schrieb Keith Hart:
>> "There is no excuse for such criminal product packaging. Anyone doing it or 
>> defending it should be burned at stake in any civilized country. The fact 
>> that it will not happen is the best statement about the times we live in."
>>  I agree. Thank you for the clarity of your writing in this thread, much the 
>> best that I have seen on this subject.
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