Dear all, the days of "direct democracy" v. "the few" are over. The days
of a "movement" without "momentum". Why should the "vote" of "the
people" matter? All talk as the Don would say.

Am 30/03/19 um 22:20 schrieb John Young:
> Was it not long known all communication is pornographic? Otherwise
> nobody would be aroused to communicate while awaiting to fuck, or be
> fucked by, a warm body, bidding time just masturbating alone from tyke
> to tyrant.

Godards "She does not talk" comes to mind.

> As seen here, the lonely habitual digitalization, quickies or
> laborious. Googling oneself, maillisting, SMing, browsing, preaching,
> teaching, groveling, adoring and citing the momentarily greatest aloners.

It can come in many ways.

> Some senile frustrators argue its now, always had been, all kiddie
> porn practiced like Trump and Pope Francis, et al. Machines aid, abet
> and entice, hands on.

The church is a part of life. Reality is stronger than fiction.


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