The hardest part about computer science is the naming of things.

On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 6:05 PM BishopZ <> wrote:

> What is netttime?
> Same as Diaspora- may they rest in peace?
> Byzantine perhaps?
> On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 5:41 PM BishopZ <> wrote:
>> [image: wSxgs.png]
>> On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 4:32 PM André Rebentisch <>
>> wrote:
>>> Am 01.07.19 um 15:49 schrieb Max Herman:
>>> >
>>> > Hi André,
>>> >
>>> > Which of the formerly valuable lists are dead?  I'm very far out of the
>>> > loop working mostly offline for the last decade.
>>> Dear Max,
>>> almost all lists I am subscribed to. Simply members are not posting
>>> anymore. I still read nettime. I still get lots of newsletters via list
>>> infrastructure channels.
>>> Inter-Media Transition is normal. We have other means of online
>>> communications. telegram groups, facebook groups, twitter, yodel, slack,
>>> mattermost etc. Before usenet groups with their odd clients and rude
>>> channel rules became obsolete.
>>> A simple method to kill a mailing list is spam. Or low quality
>>> communications. Or dumping all kinds of communication into the list. Or
>>> opening the mail archive to the general public without asking for prior
>>> consent (happened on Liberationtech). Open Archives in return could lead
>>> to legal risks in Germany, what do you do as a mailing list admin when
>>> you face court injunctions to remove copyrighted or defamatory content
>>> from list archives etc. You simply can't risk to let removed content pop
>>> up again after an archive regeneration etc.
>>> Or other kinds of risks with ML public archives, I just recall an
>>> exchange with RMS who didn't bother to call out the president of
>>> Zimbabwe on a mailing list frequented by free software people of that
>>> country where archives were kindly indexed by google. RMS insisted on
>>> his right to free speech. Well, how nice to exercise your rights to
>>> converse with people when an incautious reply (which your rant incites)
>>> could get them killed or set behind bars and otherwise they cannot
>>> respond on equal footing plus all you do is put your associates at risk.
>>> Mailman still has a horrible user interface. Often moderators don't
>>> moderate anymore because there was too much spam, default settings are
>>> suboptimal, spam filtering remains sub-standard. I have no idea why no
>>> org financed a Mailman replacement or Mailman NG project.
>>> You could also observe the same phenomenon of declining list
>>> communications on open source developer lists. Occasionally dead
>>> communication channels come to new light.
>>> Encrypted mailing lists exist. Almost no one uses them.
>>> > One aspect of mailing lists is that they are a powerful example of a
>>> > free public sphere (and maybe its most essential expression regardless
>>> > of technological advancement).  You can put a bunch of content in an
>>> > email, and it can go to literally everyone on the planet.
>>> Yet who is keeping a record? And how to curate email exchanges?
>>> > All that said, a listserv is only as good as its content.  If no one
>>> > creates any content that is relevant, nothing that cannot be gotten
>>> > better elsewhere, then why bother with the noisy clamor of a list?
>>> Attention is limited. The time people spent to acknowledge and oppose
>>> the latest outrage, the daily trump tweet etc., is missing for serious
>>> debate and thought.
>>> Online speech is Karl Kraus on steroids, always picking the
>>> insignificant targets, always declaration of persons as enemies, always
>>> hate mobs that try to engage us.
>>> Dialogue becomes impossible as we don't talk with each other anymore but
>>> to (at times imaginary) third parties. As "Nick Nailor" (Aaron Eckhart)
>>> explained in Thank you for Smoking: "Because I'm not after you, I am
>>> after them".
>>> 20 years ago there was a common sentiment that open low-censored online
>>> debates, even rude ones, contribute to a better and more open society...
>>> only if we would spread the technology to ignorant people from the past
>>> and institutions. Like in that previous Ito quote everyone had his or
>>> her pivotal moment.
>>> Best,
>>> André
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>>> #  <nettime>  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
>>> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
>>> #  more info:
>>> #  archive: contact:
>>> #  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:
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#  distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission
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