Hi all,

Can we say that coups have now become quantum, both happening and not happening 
at the same time in a cloud of probability?

Classical Marxism, if I am correct, predicted that capitalism would inevitably 
collapse and disappear to be replaced by a system in which the workers control 
the means of production.  Later, Leninism declared that revolutionary 
intelligentsia must assist (partly for ethical reasons) in hastening the 
collapse by direct action, and later Stalinism declared that totalitarian 
enforcement of capitalist collapse (by totalistic nationalism) was also 
necessary and hence ethically permissible.  (I've read that Lenin incidentally 
did not agree with Stalinism, at the end, but called it "nationalist socialism" 
barely if at all distinguishable from the revolution in 1930's Germany.)

What if socialism has also won the Cold War, i.e. a system has prevailed in 
which periodic bubbles are cushioned by ever-replenishing state bailouts?  The 
collapse is merely quantized now, in something like an eternal return.  And 
just as necessarily, every marginal coup is repulsed by a rebirth of democracy 
every so often and of limited scope a la Montaigne's perpetual see-saw.

Apologies if someone has already articulated this and done so much better, and 
for any ethical flaws of which I'm oblivious this sunny afternoon.

Very best regards,


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