Tomasz Wzietek wrote:

> 2) how to turn off the internal modem speaker (mine is USR Sportster v.90/INT/D/F/V)
> so that it's silent when it dials out? Is it posible at all? I often use my machine
> at
> nights and don't want to wake up my wife :-)

I'm not all that familiar with modems under Linux (actually, not at
all), but if there is an initialization string for your modem, you can
add the command to shut off the modem speaker. I think the command is
M0, (just looked it up) Check your modem manual. I have an older 28.8
Sportster and it says M0 will leave the speaker always turned off. You
could also write that command to your modem's NVRAM if you prefer. Hope
I helped...:-)

Lloyd Osten

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