Hi, everybody!
According to materials I read, one of the great things about Linux is that
it does not need to be rebooted in order to apply configuration changes.
Stopping and restarting the affected services is adequate. Can you tell me
how to do it? What should I type to stop and restart services like httpd,
smbd, etc.


----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 1999 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux kernel, modem, and dosemu questions

> Clay wrote:
> >
> > first question...i have a rockwell hcf 56k data fax pci modem and was
> > wondering if anyone else had the same modem and was able to get it to
> > work under linux mandrake with kppp and if so how?
> I don't have the same modem, but I might be able to provide some help.
> I take it from the later mailing that you also have Windows installed on
> this machine.  That will help.  Go into the Control Panel/System/Device
> Manager and find the modem device.  Check the properties tab and write
> down the IRQ and comport number.
> Now reboot into Linux, login as root, and run this:
> pnpdump > ~/isapnp.conf
> Edit the isapnp.conf file and uncomment the lines that match the IRQ and
> comport information that you saw under Windows.  The config file is
> broken into sections, and there may be more than one section.  Just
> choose the proper information from each section by uncommenting it.
> You'll also need to uncomment the line that says 'Activate'.
> When that's done, use the command:
> isapnp ~/isapnp.conf
> That should run the PNP configuration program and if everything is
> correct, you'll see a couple of informational lines printed to show that
> the modem has been found.
> You'll probably need to run setserial after that to tell the kernel
> where the modem is located.  Something like:
> setserial /dev/ttyS<X>  irq <Y>
> should work.  <X> will be the comport information (remember, everything
> is counted from 0 in linux, so comport 1 will be ttyS0, comport 2 is
> ttyS1, etc).  <Y> will be the IRQ information from Windows.
> At this point you should be able to use minicom or seyon to attempt
> dialing out.
> > second question. this has to due somewhat with first question what
> > adavantages will i have by installing latest linux kernel and how do i
> > install it? also if i install it do you think that might help my modem
> > get working because i know my modem is a PnP and i heard somewhere that
> > latest linux kernel has full PnP support...
> I'm not sure how much the PNP support in the 2.2.x kernels will help.  I
> haven't even attempted trying it since the isapnptools seems to work
> very well here.
> > third question... i can't seem to get xdos to work it says there is some
> > error in some .global file or something like that and i looked that file
> > but couldn't figure out what the heck to do in it and what was causing
> > the problem...
> Dunno anything about that... hopefully someone else on the list is an
> avid xdos user.
> > well any help anybody can provide with these questions would be greatly
> > appreciated!
> >
> > ps.. i am affraid i already know the  answer to my first question and
> > that is get a new modem (like an externel one)...but if you know
> > something i don't about getting a PnP modem to work under linux i would
> > greatly appreciate it!
> As long as that modem is only PnP and not a WinModem, you'll probably be
> alright.  If it's a WinModem, you're out of luck.
> --
> Steve Philp

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