On Sun, 28 Feb 1999 14:32:24 -0500, you wrote:

>first question...i have a rockwell hcf 56k data fax pci modem and was
>wondering if anyone else had the same modem and was able to get it to
>work under linux mandrake with kppp and if so how?
>second question. this has to due somewhat with first question what
>adavantages will i have by installing latest linux kernel and how do i
>install it? also if i install it do you think that might help my modem
>get working because i know my modem is a PnP and i heard somewhere that
>latest linux kernel has full PnP support...
>third question... i can't seem to get xdos to work it says there is some
>error in some .global file or something like that and i looked that file
>but couldn't figure out what the heck to do in it and what was causing
>the problem...
>well any help anybody can provide with these questions would be greatly
>ps.. i am affraid i already know the  answer to my first question and
>that is get a new modem (like an externel one)...but if you know
>something i don't about getting a PnP modem to work under linux i would

Its not that its a PnP modem.  Its a Rockwell based winmodem to all
intents.  I am not sure that there are any PCI PnP modems that are not
win type modems.  At least I havent run across any so far.

>greatly appreciate it!
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