If you like I'll send you my lilo.conf file that you would install into the MBR by "lilo -v" -- as I have virtually the exact same configuration (drive capacities are different).
You'll want lilo on the /hda1, which will either pass control onto the Windows partition, or load the vmlinuz boot image on /hdb1.
Let me know if you want it..
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 1999 2:52 PM
Subject: [newbie] Two Drives

Seeking the lists advice:
I currently have two hard drives in my machine, a 2.5gig and a 1gig.
Windows 95 currently resides on the 2.5gig drive. I would like to install
Mandrake on the 1gig drive and be able to have dual booting system. Can
LILO reside on the MBR of the 2.5gig and pass off the boot process to the
1gig drive? If not, is there a way to go about doing this?
Your thoughts are appreciated.

Indianapolis, IN

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