On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Clay wrote:

> when i install a file from an rpm or tar.gz it seems that all the files
> in the rpm or tar.gz are treated like text files instead of executables
> like they should be! what gives?! i downloaded these files under windows
> 98 then mounted my fat 32 partition under linux got the files from the
> fat 32 partition  put them on my linux partition and tried to install
> them and it extracts them ok and everything just none of the files are
> treated correctly they are all treated like executeables! someone please
> help me!

        When you mount your FAT32 partition you have to use the option
noexec of the mount command. See man mount for more information. If you
mount the partition using an entry in /etc/fstab, then you have to add the
noexec option in the 4th field of the entry. Something like:

/dev/hdXX       /mnt/WinXX      vfat    defaults,noexec,nodev   1       1

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...

Mauro Tortonesi             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ferrara Linux User Group    http://flug.unife.it

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